通过“ zwexplorer.__printer.getPrinters(printRequest,callback(resp));”获得已经链接的打印机列表; 通过“ zwexplorer.__printer.getDefaultPrinter(printRequest,callback(resp));”系统缺省打印机, 打印机属性见打印机对象PrinterInfo属性name | displayName | description | status | isDefault |
function getPrinters() { $(".printer-list").empty(); zwexplorer.__printer.getPrinters(null, (resp) => { if (resp.resultCode == 0) { list = resp.data; //返回的是PrinterInfo列表, if (list) { $.each(list, (index, elm) => { let tr = ""; $(".printer-list").append(tr); }) } } else { console.log(resp.resultMessage); } }) } " + elm.name + " " + elm.displayName + " " + elm.description + " " + elm.status + " " + elm.isDefault + "
- silent boolean (可选) - 是否显示打印设置对话框,如选择打印机,打印份数,页码范围等. 默认值为 true.
- printBackground boolean (可选) - 是否打印网页的背景颜色或图片. 默认值为 false.
- deviceName string (可选) - 打印设备的名称. 必须是系统定义的名称而不是设备的商用名,例如 'Brother_QL_820NWB' 而不是 'Brother QL-820NWB'.
- color boolean (可选) - 是彩色打印还是灰白打印. 默认值为 true。
margins Object (可选) marginType string (optional) - 可选值是 default, none, printableArea, 或 custom。
- 如果选择的是custom, 你同时需要定义 top, bottom, left, 和 right 属性.
- top number (optional) - 页面顶部margin值, 以像素为单位.
- bottom number (optional) - 页面底部margin值, 以像素为单位.
- left number (optional) - 页面左侧margin值, 以像素为单位.
- right number (optional) - 页面右侧margin值, 以像素为单位.
- landscape boolean (optional) - 是否横向打印. 默认值为 false.
- scaleFactor number (optional) - 放缩比例.
- pagesPerSheet number (optional) - The number of pages to print per page sheet.
- collate boolean (optional) - Whether the web page should be collated.
- copies number (optional) - 打印份数.
pageRanges Object[] (可选) - 要打印的页面范围。 在macOS上,只有数组的第一个值被信任。
- from number - Index of the first page to print (0-based).
- to number - Index of the last page to print (inclusive) (0-based).
- duplexMode string (optional) - Set the duplex mode of the printed web page. 可以是 simplex、shortEdge 或 longEdge。
dpi Record
(optional) - horizontal number (optional) - The horizontal dpi.
- vertical number (optional) - The vertical dpi.
- header string (optional) - string to be printed as page header.
- footer string (optional) - string to be printed as page footer.
- pageSize string | Size (optional) - Specify page size of the printed document. Can be A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, Legal, Letter, Tabloid or an Object containing height and width.